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Snacking, is a bad habit - how to get rid of it

Snacking in front of the television or in the office makes our life a misery. Here are some tips to put an end to this habit and to rediscover the pleasure of eating correctly!

Snacking, in particular in front of TV, while reading a book, studying or in front of your computer is a bad alimentary habit, or a reflex.

Your body has got used to snacking something at these moments and therefore, whenever you practice one of those activities, it requires something to eat. It is very difficult to get rid of this kind of habit.

First, I recommend:

  1. Try not to store foods that are rich in calories, such as candies, cakes, chocolate, sweets etc. in your home. If you do not live alone, try to discuss this fact with your family and ask for their help and their support.
  2. If you feel like nibbling, have a large glass of water, breathe deeply and take control of yourself.
  3. If you do not manage to control yourself, reduce the damage to the best of your abilities. Have some raw vegetables that you will cut in large pieces such as cucumbers, a carrot, green leaves or a fruit, and substitute your snacking which is rich in calories for a lighter one. I know it is not easy and this will take some time, but this is worth it, isn't' it?

The way is long and fraught with difficulties, but together, we will succeed!

Julie, Coach for PLANTIA.

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Articles » Coaching

Snacking, is a bad habit - how to get rid of it

Snacking in front of the television or in the office makes our life a misery. Here are some tips to put an end to this habit and to rediscover the pleasure of eating correctly!

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What should I eat before exercising?

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