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How to burn calories in a few steps

You are so busy that you have absolutely no time to practice a physical activity, aren’t you? Well, you are wrong!

It is very important you find time, and we are here to help you achieving that. During stress we experience both at work and at home, we must be creative in order to "steal" a few moments to practice some physical activity.

Here are a few ideas for those of you who are overwhelmed by your daily life pattern:

  1. In the morning, devote 10 minutes to a physical activity. Choose three exercises and practice one after the other for ten minutes.
  2. During your lunch break, walk for 10 minutes. After some time, try to achieve the same distance, but in 8 minutes.
  3. If you have stairs either at home or at the office, climb up and down the stairs a few times a day. Decide in advance how many times you will do so. Do not indulge yourself and reach your goal the same day.
  4. While sitting, practice some strength exercises in order to tone up and to reshape your muscles. For instance: tense your stomach muscles for 30 seconds while continuing breathing normally, or contract and close your legs for 60 seconds. Practice three series in a row each time. In no more than three weeks, you will already be able to feel that your muscles are firmer.
  5. Invest in the acquisition of a pedometer. This is a small device that indicates the distance you walk during the day. Each week, try to increase the distance you walk.
  6. In the evening, when you get home tired, and the only thing you aspire to do is to seat down in front of your television? During the commercials, take five minutes in order to exercise a little. A series of abdominal workouts for instance. At the next commercial break, a few push-ups.
  7. What do you think of working out for 7 to 10 minutes, each day? For instance, a series of abdominal workouts on Monday, some push-ups on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, some…
  8. You want something even simpler? Always choose the longer route to walk from one place to another, even if this is the office next to yours. When you climb up some stairs, climb them up in pairs. This is very good for your leg muscles and helps to tone up your buttocks.
  9. Exercise with your partner or with one of your friends; this way, you will be more motivated and you will improve your performance.

This is a good start in order to build and maintain a healthy life regimen!

Julie, PLANTIA Coach

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